READING 4: Methias's Notes

The meaning of motivation is the influence for people to embrace a particular action in desire to others and the continuation of a chosen action over a prolonged period.

The common characteristics which underlie the factors of motivation that is unique to a individual person and their performance is a product of both ability level and motivation

People's engagement is influenced by expectations categorised in a number of ways – for example the three-fold classification that entails economic rewards, Intrinsic satisfaction and Social relationships or The twelve human needs or higher set of motivational needs.

Economic rewards contain pay, benefits, pension, material goods and security.

Intrinsic satisfaction derive from the nature of the work itself, interest in the job, personal growth and development.

Social relationships consist of friendships, group working, the desire for affiliation, status and dependency.

The twelve human needs are family, well-being, occupation, economic, education, residence, social relationships, spirituality, association, enjoyment, flexibility and security.

Higher set of motivational needs a feeling of community and a sense of belonging to the company. The ability to entertainment and occupations .

Incentives is about more than monetary gain. Work is about allowing people to feel as if they are important and they’re job performance matches their ability. Where the job offers little opportunity for career advancement or personal challenge their is insufficient pleasure in the occupation people may be motivated primarily, if not exclusively, by money.

Motivated by broader concerns such as their work/life balance, opportunities for flexible working, career advancement and personal development and growth, and a feeling of identification with the values of the organisation.

The motivation to work is influenced by the nature of the work environment and the concept of the psychological contract, If staff do something good, tell them make it widely known they did good. This is a quick and cheap method of praising and motivating the team and it lets everyone know you are monitoring, praising, motivating.

If a person’s motivation is blocked and they are unable to satisfy their needs and wants there are two possible outcomes problem-solving or restructuring.

Managers should attempt to reduce potential frustration. Attention to motivation and to the needs and expectations of people at work will help overcome frustration-induced behaviour.


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